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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Christopher Bruce's Triple Bill - Silence is the end of our Song / Rooster / Swansong DVD video

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Christopher Bruce's Triple Bill - Silence is the end of our Song / Rooster / Swansong
Horacio Salinas, Phlilip Chambon, The Rolling Stones, Viktor Jara, Violeta Parra
English National Ballet (balettegyüttes), Geneva Ballet (balettegyüttes), The Royal Danish Ballet (balettegyüttes), Christopher Bruce (koreográfia)
első megjelenés éve: 1994
104 perc

DVD video
6.393 Ft 


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1.  Silence is the end of our Song
Horacio Salinas, Viktor Jara, Violeta Parra
Geneva Ballet (balettegyüttes), The Royal Danish Ballet (balettegyüttes), Christopher Bruce (koreográfia)
2.  Rooster
The Rolling Stones
Geneva Ballet (balettegyüttes), Christopher Bruce (koreográfia)
3.  Swansong
Phlilip Chambon
English National Ballet (balettegyüttes), Christopher Bruce (koreográfia)
This DVD features three ballets of Christopher Bruce: SILENCE IS THE END OF OUR SONG, ROOSTER, SWANSONG

Christopher Bruce's reputation as one of Britain's outstanding dancer/choreographers is based partly on his mix of classical and modern idioms and partly on his commitment to social conscious themes.
Silence is the end of our song is a moving ballet danced to a series of songs from Chile and dedicated to the Chilean people and their sufferings. Using documentary film - seen as hazy memories - and the words of the songs by Violeta Parra and the poet and songwriter Victor Jara, who was assassinated by the "junta" in 1973, the piece moves from light to darkness, from celebration to the need of courage in the face of political adversity or the threat of death. A touching, gentle and human statement.

Peppered with references to the body language, style and spirit of the sixties and early seventies, Rooster blazes with vitality. The infectious rhythms of some of the best-known hits of The Rolling Stones (Little Red Rooster, Ruby Tuesday, Paint it Black...) and the exhilarating choreography will inspire the viewer and is bound to get one to his feet.
Swansong is one of Bruce's most prominent works. Acclaimed as a modern classic the ballet shows a prisoner being interrogated by two guards using a startling combination of contemporary dance, tap and music hall routines.

performed by the Royal Danish Ballet, Music by Viktor Jara, Violeta Parra, Horacio Salinas, Studio Recording 1983

performed by the Geneva Ballet, Music by The Rolling Stones, Studio Recording 1994

performed by the English National Ballet, Music by Phlilip Chambon, Studio Recording 1989
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régiókód   [ NTSC ]
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képarány1.78:1 (16:9 / Letterbox)

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