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Csajkovszkij: A pikk dáma [Davis] [Arthaus] [ ÉLŐ ]
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame [Davis] [Arthaus]
Pjotr Ilijics Csajkovszkij (1840-1893)
Nancy Gustafson (szoprán), Felicity Palmer (kontraalt), Dimitri Kharitonov (bariton), Sergei Leiferkus (bariton), Yuri Marusin (tenor), Glyndebourne Chorus (vegyeskórus), Londoni Filharmónikusok (zenekar), Sir Andrew Davis (karmester)
első megjelenés éve: 1992
170 perc

DVD video
6.393 Ft 


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1.  Pique Dame, Op.68
(A pikk dáma, Op.68)

Nancy Gustafson (szoprán), Felicity Palmer (kontraalt), Yuri Marusin (tenor), Dimitri Kharitonov (bariton), Sergei Leiferkus (bariton), Glyndebourne Chorus (vegyeskórus), Londoni Filharmónikusok (zenekar), Sir Andrew Davis (karmester)
Opera in 3 acts
Libretto: Modest Tschaikowsky [Based: Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: Pikovaja dama]
First performance: 19. Dec. 1890, St. Petersburg

Recorded: Glyndebourne Festival Opera

Tchaikovsky is regarded as Russia's great symphonist. In his music he succeeded in creating a synthesis between the national musical language of Russia and the compositional forms and techniques of western European romanticism. His works are distinguished by rich melodic passages, parts of which are full of the deepest melancholy, interspersed with cheerful, dance-like, sections drawn from Russian folk music. His great operas Eugene Onegin and Pique Dame reveal a fascinating artistry that uses expressive, highly dramatic characters and scenes. Pique Dame was written quickly, in the spring of 1890 in Florence, and its first performance took place the same year at the Marinsky theatre in St. Petersburg. The production recorded here received the highest acclaim for its outstanding interpretation at the 1992 Glyndebourne

Festival. The London Philharmonic under Andrew Davis accompanied a cast which included Sergei Leiferkus (Count Tomsky) and Dimitri Kharitonov (Prince Jeletzky).
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