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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Schedrin: Anna Karenina [Simonov] [VAI][ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Schedrin: Anna Karenina [Simonov] [VAI] [ ÉLŐ ]
Rodion Schedrin (1932-)
Moszkvai Nagy Színház Balettegyüttese (balettegyüttes), Maya Plisetskaya (tánc), Margarita Pilikhina (rendező), A. Sedov (tánc), Alexander Godunov (tánc), M. Sedova (tánc), N. Sorokina (tánc), Vladimir Tikhonov (tánc), Yuri Vladimirov (tánc), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (zenekar), Yuri Simonov (karmester)
első megjelenés éve: 1974
81 perc

DVD video
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1.  Anna Karenina
Moszkvai Nagy Színház Balettegyüttese (balettegyüttes), A. Sedov (tánc), Alexander Godunov (tánc), M. Sedova (tánc), Maya Plisetskaya (tánc), N. Sorokina (tánc), Vladimir Tikhonov (tánc), Yuri Vladimirov (tánc), Margarita Pilikhina (rendező), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (zenekar), Yuri Simonov (karmester)
Anna Karenina - Maya Plisetskaya
Vronsky - Alexander Godunov
Karenin - Vladimir Tikhonov
Man at the Station - Yuri Vladimirov
Kitty - N. Sorokina
Betsy - M. Sedova
Seryozha Karenin - A. Sedov

Rarely-performed ballet by Rodion Schedrin, starring Maya Plisetskaya and Alexander Godunov.

Seeing Tolstoy's great novel set to dance was a dream of Maya Plisetskaya, but she encountered endless difficulties in finding a choreographer either able or willing to take on the challenge. Never one to be easily discouraged, Plisetskaya decided to make her debut as choreographer and set the ballet herself. Utilizing her own dazzling talents as dancer and actress she created a work of stunning dramatic impact. The theatricality of Plisetskaya's creation is matched by Rodion Shchedrin's compelling score.
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képarány1.33:1 (4:3 / TV)

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