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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Khachaturian: Spartacus [Grigorovich] [VAI][ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Khachaturian: Spartacus [Grigorovich] [VAI] [ ÉLŐ ]
Aram Hacsaturján (1903-1978)
Moszkvai Nagy Színház Balettegyüttese (balettegyüttes), Maris Liepa (tánc), Natalya Bessmertnova (tánc), Nina Timofeyeva (tánc), Vladimir Vasiliev (tánc), Vadim Derbenev (rendező), Yuri Grigorovich (koreográfia), Algis Zhuraitis (karmester)
első megjelenés éve: 1977
92 perc

DVD video
Kosaramba teszem
1.  Spartacus
Moszkvai Nagy Színház Balettegyüttese (balettegyüttes), Maris Liepa (tánc), Natalya Bessmertnova (tánc), Nina Timofeyeva (tánc), Vladimir Vasiliev (tánc), Yuri Grigorovich (koreográfia), Vadim Derbenev (rendező), Algis Zhuraitis (karmester)
Ballet in 3 acts
Libretto: Yuri Grigorovich [Based: Raffaello Giovagnoli: Spartaco]
Choreography: Leonid Jacobson
First performance: 1956, Kirov Theatre, Leningrad

Spartacus - Vladimir Vasiliev
Phrygia - Natalya Bessmertnova
Crassus - Maris Liepa
Aegina - Nina Timofeyeva

The famed 1977 Grigorovich setting of Spartacus starring Vladimir Vasiliev as the heroic slave who leads the unsuccessful revolt against the Romans. Upon the film's release, the New York Times chief dance critic wrote: "Vladimir Vasiliev dances and acts on a heroic level that is the performance of a lifetime. Maris Liepa matches him on every point magnificently as the villain, Crassus. With its phalanxes confronting the camera head-on and its slow-motion shots of Vasiliev soaring through the sky, the film takes its chances. It is also one of the best dance films ever made." Natalia Bessmertnova dances the role of Phrygia with melting lyricism.
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