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Kullervo, Symphonic poem for Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra op. 7
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)
Satu Vihavainen (szoprán), Juha Uusitalo (bariton), KYL-Male Chorus (férfikórus), Ari Rasilainen (karmester), Rheinland-Pfalz State Philharmonic Orchestra (zenekar)

*Super Audio CD*
3.644 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Kullervo - Symphonic Poem for Vocal Soloists, Male Chorus & Orchestra, Op.7
Satu Vihavainen (szoprán), Juha Uusitalo (bariton), KYL-Male Chorus (férfikórus), Ari Rasilainen (karmester), Rheinland-Pfalz State Philharmonic Orchestra (zenekar)
Finland in Surround Sound
It may be something of an overstatement, but we'll say it anyway: Finnish
art music was born in Vienna. It was in the Austrian capital that the young
Jean Sibelius first began thinking about his first symphony, Kullervo. He
was determined to create a specifically Finnish music on the basis of the
story of the hero Kullervo from the Kalevala epic. Finnish music was then
dominated by other cultures and especially by German culture. Music
that for the first time would draw on ancient Finnish ideas had to make a
big impact. And so it was: Sibelius himself conducted the premiere of
Kullervo in April 1892 and with it celebrated a sensational success that
made him the musical outrider of Finnish national interests almost
With Kullervo Sibelius and Finland successfully set out on the path to an
independent national music. Ari Rasilainen has always wanted to record
an interpretation of Kullervo with his State Philharmonic, and the result
this heart's desire is absolutely magnificent.

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