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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Adam: Creole Giselle [Grimm] [Kultur Video] DVD video

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Adam: Creole Giselle [Grimm] [Kultur Video]
Adolphe-Charles Adam (1803-1856)
Dance Theatre of Harlem (balettegyüttes), Augustus van Heerden (tánc), Cassandra Phifer (tánc), Eddie J. Shellman (tánc), Judy Tyrus (tánc), Lorraine Graves (tánc), Lowell Smith (tánc), Virginia Johnson (tánc), Zelda Wynn (tánc), Thomas Grimm (videorendező)
első megjelenés éve: 2005
88 perc

DVD video
7.488 Ft 


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1.  Creole Giselle
Dance Theatre of Harlem (balettegyüttes), Augustus van Heerden (tánc), Cassandra Phifer (tánc), Eddie J. Shellman (tánc), Judy Tyrus (tánc), Lorraine Graves (tánc), Lowell Smith (tánc), Virginia Johnson (tánc), Zelda Wynn (tánc), Thomas Grimm (videorendező)
Recorded: DR-Studios, arhus, Denmark

Now, for the first time on DVD, the Dance Theater of Harlem is presented in Creole Giselle, their acclaimed interpretation of the ballet classic. Making only minor changes in the story, music and traditional choreography of the repertory staple, DTH founder Arthur Mitchell has set the ballet in 1841 Lousiana. It was a time when social status among free blacks was measured by how far removed one's family was from slavery; the community's "aristocrats" looked down on those whose immediate family had been enslaved. Thus, in the DTH version, Giselle faces the same social obstacles and heartbreaking rejection by Albert and his family as their classical counterparts. Giselle is danced by Virginia Johnson, hailed as "strong and yet delicate.very moving."remarkable." Eddie J. Shellman co-stars, and was praised as "an attractive and unusually crash Albert, his solos securely dispatched." See for yourself why Creole Giselle is one of the Dance Theater of Harlem's most popular works.
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