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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Balanchine DVD video

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George Balanchine (koreográfia), Frank Langella (narrátor), Merrill Brockway (rendező)
első megjelenés éve: 2004
156 perc
Balett / Dokumentumfilm

DVD video
7.488 Ft 


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As seen on public television.

Regarded as the "father of American ballet," George Balanchine's legacy lives on in his prolific body of choreographic work. Creating over 450 works, Balanchine is, arguably, the foremost contemporary choreographer of the 20th century. Through rare archival audio and video footage, interviews, film, and photographs, this program traces Balanchine's life from his youth at the Maryinsky Theater, through his work for Hollywood and Broadway, to his ultimate creation of the New York City Ballet. It also focuses on the themes of his work and his thoughts on dancemaking, using interviews with the choreographer himself. Features selections of his vast repertory of ballets, including Chaconne, Agon, Symphony in C, Serenade, Apollo, and A Midsummer Night's Dream, among others.
hangsávokangol (DD 2.0)
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régiókód   [ NTSC ]   (???)
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képarány1.33:1 (4:3 / TV)

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