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Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin [Vedernikov] [Bel Air] (2DVD)
Pjotr Ilijics Csajkovszkij (1840-1893)
Makvala Kasrashvili (szoprán), Tatiana Monogarova (szoprán), Emma Sarkisyan (alt), Andrei Dunaev (tenor), Mariusz Kwiecien (bariton), Anatolij Kotscherga (basszus), Valery Gilmanov (basszus), Margarita Mamsirova (ének), Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre (vegyeskórus), Alexander Vedernikov (karmester), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (zenekar)
első megjelenés éve: 2009

2 x DVD video
6.897 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
Direction & Sets: Dmitri Tcherniakov

Bonus: Onegin at the Palais Garnier

Polish baritone Mariusz Kwiecien, recognised as one of the leading baritones before the public today, opened the 2008-2009 season in Paris with his Bolshoi Theatre debut, performing the title role in Eugene Onegin, which he reprised later in the season with the Bavarian State Opera, replacing an indisposed Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Last Autumn he performed the title role in Don Giovanni at Covent Garden, followed by Enrico in Lucia and Marcello at the Met, where he appears frequently. Future engagements include a new production of Szymanowski's King Roger at the Bastille in June and July 2009 and Count Almaviva at Covent Garden in June 2010.

"Kwiecien is scoring a triumph in the title role, a part everywhere identified with his immediate predecessor, Siberian baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky…Kwiecien commands the stage with his good looks, rich and resonant voice and the volatile intensity with which he throws himself into the role of the aloof Russian playboy." Chicago Tribune

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