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Vissza a kereséshez
Dead Ringer
Meat Loaf
első megjelenés éve: 1981
43 perc

4.742 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Peel Out
2.  I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us
3.  More Than You Deserve
4.  I'll Kill You If You Don't Come Back
5.  Read 'Em And Weep
6.  Nocturnal Pleasure
7.  Dead Ringer For Love (with Cher)
8.  Everything Is Permitted
Recorded at Cherokee Studios, Los Angeles, California; The Record Plant and The Power Station, New York; House Of Music, West Orange, New Jersey.
Meat Loaf, Cher - vocals;
Joe DeAngelis - acoustic guitar;
Davey Johnstone, Mick Ronson - guitar;
Alan Rubin, Lou Marani, Lou Delgatto, Tom Malone - horns;
Roy Bittan - piano, keyboards;
Nicky Hopkins - piano;
Larry Fast - synthesizer;
Steve Buslowe - bass;
Max Weinberg, Liberty DeVitto - drums;
Neleam Ymmij - African logs;
Jimmy Maelen - percussion;
Rory Dodd, Ted Neeley, Allan Nicholls, Eric Troyer, Rhonda Coullet, Leslie Loaf
- background vocals.

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