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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Live - Hotel Tour 2005 (DVD+CD)[ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Live - Hotel Tour 2005 (DVD+CD) [ ÉLŐ ]
első megjelenés éve: 2005
Dance / Downtempo / Electronic
(2006)   [ + CD ]

2 x DVD video
3.560 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1. DVD video tartalma:
1.  Opening Sequence
My Weakness
2.  Find My Baby
3.  Raining Again
4.  Natural Blues
5.  Spiders
6.  Where You End
7.  In My Heart
8.  Go
9.  That's When I Reach For My Revolver
10.  Temptation
11.  Beautiful
12.  Very
13.  Next Is The E
14.  Porcelain
15.  Dream About Me
16.  Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?
17.  We Are All Made Of Stars
18.  Slipping Away
19.  Honey
20.  Bodyrock
21.  Lift Me Up
22.  Walk On The Wild Side
23.  Für Elise
24.  Feeling So Real
25.  Extreme Ways
bonus live track
26.  Break On Through
bonus live track
27.  In This World
bonus live track
28.  Lift Me Up
bonus video
29.  Beautiful - Original Version
bonus video
30.  Raining Again
bonus video
31.  Spiders
bonus video
32.  Dream About Me
bonus video
32.  Film * 2 Mr. Fish
33.  Little Movie
34.  Mr. Fish
2. DVD video tartalma:
1.  Lift Me Up
Superdiscount Mix-Radio Edit
2.  Raining Again
Steve Angello's Vocal Mix
3.  Beautiful
Benny Benassi Remix
4.  Slipping Away
Axwell Vocal Mix
5.  Where You End
Tiga's All I Need is To Be Sampled Mix
6.  Beautiful
F*** Me I'm Famous Remix by D. Guetta&J. Garraud
7.  Slipping Away
MHC Radio Edit
8.  Dream About Me
Sebastian Ingrosso Remix
9.  Lift Me Up
Mylo Mix
10.  Raining Again
Ewan Pearson Vocal
11.  Dream About Me
Booka Shade Remix
12.  Slipping Away
Zloot Remix
13.  Dream About Me
The Shortwave Set Pick 'n' Mix
Disc 1: DVD
Disc 2: Remixed CD
hangsávok(DD 5.1), (DD 2.0)
felirat nyelvek
régiókód   [ PAL ]
Fontos információ a régiókódokról!
képarány1.78:1 (16:9 / Letterbox)

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