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End of The Century - The Story of The Ramones
The Ramones
első megjelenés éve: 2003
150 perc
Hardcore / Punk / Dokumentumfilm

DVD video
4.492 Ft 


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The story of the punk rock band The Ramones.

In 1974, the New York City music scene was shocked into consciousness by the violently new and raw sound of a band of misfits from Queens called the Ramones.
Playing in a seedy Bowery bar to a small group of fellow struggling musicians, the band struck a chord of disharmony that rocked the foundation of the mid seventies music scene. This quartet of unlikely rock stars travelled across the country and around the world connecting with disenfranchised everywhere, while sparking a movement that would resonate with two generations of outcasts across the globe. Although the band never reached the top of the Billboard charts, they managed to endure in the face of fleeting success and crushing interpersonal conflicts by maintaining a rigorous touring schedule for twenty-two years.

Tracing the history of the band, from it`s unlikely origins, through it`s star-crossed career, bitter demise and the sad fates of Joey, Dee Dee and Johnny, End of the Century is a vibrant, candid document of one of the most influential groups in the history of rock.

Filming Locations:
Forest Hills, Queens, New York City, New York, USA
Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel - 301 Park Ave., Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

Original Theatrical Trailer
Audio Commentary
Deleted Scene: "Clem Burke as Elvis Ramone"
Joey Ramone radio interview from FM 106.3
Johnny Ramone interview excerpts
Richie Ramone interview excerpts
Marky Ramone drum techniques
Joe Strummer interview excerpts
Tommy Ramone interview excerpts
Debbie Harry and Chris Stein interview excerpts
"Who Wrote What On the First 3 Albums" by Tommy Ramone
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