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Vissza a kereséshez
Fried Bananas
Cal Tjader
57 perc

4.731 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Amazon
2.  Here
3.  Eye of the Devil
4.  A Felicidade
5.  Fried Bananas
6.  What the World Needs Now
7.  A Message to Michael
8.  My Little Red Book
9.  I Say a Little Prayer
10.  Walk on By
11.  Alonzo
12.  Song for Pat
13.  The Tra La-La Song
14.  Spooky
15.  Get out of My Way
Jazz / Cool; Latin Jazz; West Coast Jazz

Cal Tjader (pronounced "Chay-Der") is easily the most famous non-Latino leader of a Latin jazz band. His joyous, light vibes style worked in both Jazz and Latin contexts and he also played drums, timbales and bongos. In the late forties in San Francisco, Tjader joined with Dave Brubeck and Paul Desmond as a drummer to form the Dave Brubeck Octet and during that period taught himself vibes.

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