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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Jazz Shots from The West Coast, Vol. 1 DVD video

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Jazz Shots from The West Coast, Vol. 1
Art Pepper, Chet Baker, Lew Tabackin, Lew Tabackin Big Band, Phineas Newborn Trio, Phineas Newborn Jr., Shelly Manne Quintet, Toshiko Akiyoshi (Mariano), Wes Montgomery, Zoot Sims
60 perc
Jazz / West Coast Jazz

DVD video
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1.  D. Section
Art Pepper
2.  If I Should Lose You
Chet Baker
3.  On The Trail
Zoot Sims
4.  Lush Life
Phineas Newborn Trio, Phineas Newborn Jr.
5.  Theme For Basie
Phineas Newborn Trio, Phineas Newborn Jr.
6.  Oleo
Phineas Newborn Trio, Phineas Newborn Jr.
7.  Hempecked Old Man
Toshiko Akiyoshi (Mariano), Lew Tabackin Big Band, Lew Tabackin
8.  The Isolate Pawn
Shelly Manne Quintet
9.  Fantan
Shelly Manne Quintet
10.  Jingles
Wes Montgomery
This outstanding DVD series pays homage to the West coast and to some of the most important musicians who have spent a major part of their career there. What is taken into account when placing the musician in the East or West Coast categories, is where they spent the bulk of their artistic career, or where they recorded their most influential works. This collection focuses exclusively on live performances ranging from clubs to festivals to TV studio engagements, without any speakers or introducers... Nothing but music! Artists include Art Pepper, Zoot Sims, Chet Baker, Phineas Newborn Trio, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Shelly Manne Quintet and Wes Montgomery.
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régiókód   [ NTSC ]
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képarány1.33:1 (4:3 / TV)

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