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Happy Hour
Tommy Emmanuel with Jim Nichols
első megjelenés éve: 2006
40 perc

6.033 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Happy Hour
2.  Nine Pound Hammer
3.  Avalon
4.  Who's Sorry Now
5.  Trambone
6.  Mom's Rag
7.  Lover Come Back to Me
8.  Birth of the Blues
9.  I'll See You in My Dreams
10.  Stomping at the Savoy
11.  Sanitarium Shuffle
Jazz / Contemporary Jazz

Tommy Emmanuel (guitar)
Jim Nichols (guitar)

After a long absence, the favorite album known as 'Chet Lag' has returned with a new name and three new tracks. The album was originally made to benefit Kentucky thumbpicker Tuck Razer's family after he passed away. It quickly became a favorite. Tommy Emmanuel and renowned jazz guitarist Jim Nichols from Northern California recorded this tribute to Chet Atkins' music. Three more songs, written and played by Emmanuel alone in that style, are now added to it to make 'Happy Hour'.

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