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Black Celebration (CD+DVD)
Depeche Mode
első megjelenés éve: 2007
(2014)   [ + DVD ]

2 x CD
5.673 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Black Celebration (2007 Digital Remaster)
2.  Fly On The Windscreen (Final) (2007 Digital Remaster)
3.  A Question Of Lust (2007 Digital Remaster)
4.  Sometimes (2007 Digital Remaster)
5.  It Doesn't Matter Two (2007 Digital Remaster)
6.  A Question Of Time (2007 Digital Remaster)
7.  Stripped (2007 Digital Remaster)
8.  Here Is The House (2007 Digital Remaster)
9.  World Full Of Nothing (2007 Digital Remaster)
10.  Dressed In Black (2007 Digital Remaster)
11.  New Dress (2007 Digital Remaster)
2. CD tartalma:
1.  A Short Film: Depeche Mode : 1985 - 86 (The songs aren't good enough, there aren't any singles & it'll never get played
2.  Black Celebration (2007 Digital Remaster)
3.  Fly On The Windscreen (Final) (2007 Digital Remaster)
4.  A Question Of Lust (2007 Digital Remaster)
5.  Sometimes (2007 Digital Remaster)
6.  It Doesn't Matter Two (2007 Digital Remaster)
7.  A Question Of Time (2007 Digital Remaster)
8.  Stripped (2007 Digital Remaster)
9.  Here Is The House (2007 Digital Remaster)
10.  World Full Of Nothing (2007 Digital Remaster)
11.  Dressed In Black (2007 Digital Remaster)
12.  New Dress (2007 Digital Remaster)
13.  LIVE IN BIRMINGHAM APRIL 1986 - Black Celebration (2007 Digital)
14.  LIVE IN BIRMINGHAM APRIL 1986 - A Question Of Time (Live)
15.  LIVE IN BIRMINGHAM APRIL 1986 - Stripped (Live) (2007 Digital Remaster)
16.  Shake The Disease (2007 Digital Remaster)
additional track
17.  Flexible (2007 Digital Remaster)
additional track
18.  It's Called A Heart (2007 Digital Remaster)
additional track
19.  Fly On The Windscreen (2007 Digital Remaster)
additional track
20.  But Not Tonight (2007 Digital Remaster)
additional track
21.  Breathing In Fumes (2007 Digital Remaster)
additional track
22.  Black Day (2007 Digital Remaster)
additional track
23.  Christmas Island (2007 Digital Remaster)
additional track

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