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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Starflowers CD

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Vissza a kereséshez
Sinikka Langeland
első megjelenés éve: 2007

5.180 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Hostnatt pá Fjellskogen
2.  Den lille floyten
3.  Solv
4.  Treet som vekser opp-ned
5.  Saltstein
6.  Sus i myrull
7.  Stov
8.  Stjernestund
9.  Langt innpá skoga
10.  Det er ei slik natt
11.  Vindtreet
12.  Elghjertet
13.  Har du lyttet til elvene om natta?

Recorded: May 2006

Sinikka Langeland vocal, kantele
Arve Henriksen trumpet
Trygve Seim tenor and soprano saxophones
Anders Jormin double-bass
Markku Ounaskari percussion

"Starflowers" is a fascinating ECM debut for Norwegian vocalist and kantele player Sinikka Langeland. A folk singer from the forest lands near the Swedish border, Langeland explores in her work the relationship between man and nature. On this disc she sets verse of lumberjack-poet Hans Borli (1918-89), with help from an outstanding ensemble including trumpeter Arve Henriksen, saxophonist Trygve Seim, bassist Anders Jormin and percussionist Markku Ounaskari. Altogether: a marvellous confluence of folk music, sung poetry and Nordic improvisation brilliantly marshalled in Manfred Eicher's production.
Weboldal:ECM Records

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