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Vissza a kereséshez
Pure Bossa Nova
Walter Wanderley, Portinho, Seu Conjunto, Seu Conjunto with Orquestra
első megjelenés éve: 2006

3.454 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Samba de veráo
2.  Diz que fui por aí
3.  Vivo sonhando
4.  Eu sei que vou te amar
with Portinho
5.  Garota moderna
6.  Deus brasileiro
7.  Telefone
with Seu Conjunto with Orquestra, Seu Conjunto
8.  Cried, cried (Chorou, chorou)
9.  Menino das laranjas
10.  Por causa de vocé menina
with Seu Conjunto with Orquestra, Seu Conjunto
11.  Song of the Jet (Samba do aviáo)
12.  Beloved Melancholy (Saudade querida)
13.  Berimbau
with Seu Conjunto with Orquestra, Seu Conjunto
14.  Batucada surgiu
Jazz / Bossa Nova

The "number 1 organist in Brazil," Walter Wanderley proved that it was possible to combine good taste and modern arrangements in a commercial and danceable repertoire. His albums always made the "hit parade" of the time be it samba, rock, bolero and especially jazz Bossa-which was his biggest trademark thanks to the smash hit "Samba de Vero," recorded by him in the US in 1966, with his unique percussive keyboard playing.
Weboldal:Universal Music

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