Kerouac - Kicks Joy Darkness |
VÁLOGATÁS Allen Ginsberg, Anna Domino, Campbell 2000, Come, Dana Colley, Danny Chauvin As Hitchiker, Eddie Vedder, Eric Andersen, Estep & The Spitters, Helium, Hunter S. Thompson, Inger Lorre, Jack Kerouac, Jeff Buckley, Jim Carroll, Joe Gonzalez, Joe Strummer, Joey Altruda, John Cale, Johnny Depp, Juliana Hatfield, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Lee Ranaldo, Lenny Kaye, Lydia Lunch, Matt Dillon, Michael Stipe, Michael Wolff, Morphine, Patti Smith, Richard Lewis, Rob Buck, Robert Hunter, Sadie 7, Steven Tyler, Thurston Moore, Tomandandy, Warren Zevon, William S. Burroughs |
első megjelenés éve: 1997 |
 CD |
Kérjen árajánlatot! |
1. | Kerouac
Morphine |
2. | Bowery Blues
Lydia Lunch |
3. | My Gang
Michael Stipe |
4. | Dream: Us Kids Swim Off A Gray Pier...
Steven Tyler |
5. | Letter To William S. Burroughs And Ode To Jack
Hunter S. Thompson |
6. | Skid Row Wine Maggie
Estep & The Spitters |
7. | America's New Trinity Of Love: Dean, Brando, Presley
Richard Lewis |
8. | Dream: On A Sunny Afternoon...
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Helium |
9. | MacDougal Street Blues
Jack Kerouac, Joe Strummer |
10. | The Brooklyn Bridge Blues (Choruses 1-9)
Allen Ginsberg |
11. | Hymn
Eddie Vedder, Campbell 2000, Sadie 7 |
12. | Old Western Movies
William S. Burroughs, Tomandandy |
13. | Silly Goofball Pomes
Juliana Hatfield |
14. | The Moon
John Cale |
15. | Madroad Driving...
Johnny Depp, Come |
16. | 'Have You Ever Seen Anyone Like Cody Pomeray?'
Robert Hunter |
17. | Letter To John Clellon Holmes
Lee Ranaldo, Dana Colley |
18. | Pome On Doctor Sax
Anna Domino |
19. | Mexico Rooftop
Rob Buck, Danny Chauvin As Hitchiker |
20. | The Last Hotel
Patti Smith, Thurston Moore, Lenny Kaye |
21. | Running Through-Chinese Poem Song
Warren Zevon, Michael Wolff |
22. | Woman Jim Carroll
Jim Carroll, Lee Ranaldo, Lenny Kaye |
23. | Mexican Loneliness
Matt Dillon, Joey Altruda, Joe Gonzalez |
24. | Angel Mine
Inger Lorre, Jeff Buckley |
25. | The Brooklyn Bridge (Chorus 10)
Eric Andersen |
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