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No Exceptions
Sam Keevers Nonet, Sam Keevers
első megjelenés éve: 2006

4.585 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem

Sam Keevers - Piano
Bernie McGann: Alto Saxophone
Scott Tinkler - Trumpet
Jamie Oehlers - Tenor Saxophone
Jordan Murray - Trombone
Stephen Magnusson - Guitar
Rodrigo Aravena - Double Bass
Simon Barker - Drums
Javier Fredes - Percussion
Michael Carmona - Percussion

The exceptional debut, No Exceptions, from outstanding pianist Sam Keevers and his Nonet. Keevers brought together this stellar line-up to record over two nights at Bennetts Lane. With two hours of their greatest moments down, the sessions became two albums, No Conditions being the companion. The Latin energy carries through the recording from the percussive Latin rhythms (the title track is a Cha Cha Cha in 7/4 time) to the more contemporary pieces. The live atmosphere enhances their vibrant performance.

Jazzhead is proud to announce the exceptional debut, No Conditions, from outstanding pianist Sam Keevers and his Nonet. Keevers brought together a stellar line-up to record over two nights at Bennetts Lane. With over two hours of their greatest moments down, the sessions became two albums, No Exceptions being the companion. Keevers' compositions consistently explore elements of Latin-jazz and this is apparent in the title track and continues throughout, consistently giving unique rhythm and timing to the pieces.
Head Records

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