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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: 52nd Street (Embraceable You, Ornithology) [AKA Triple Treasures] CD

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52nd Street (Embraceable You, Ornithology) [AKA Triple Treasures]
Miles Davis
első megjelenés éve: 2008

3 x CD
4.001 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1. CD tartalma:
1.  52nd Street Theme
2.  Ain'T Misbehavin'
3.  All The Things You Are
4.  Allen's Alley
5.  Another Hair-Do
6.  April In Paris
7.  Billie's Bounce
8.  Bird Gets The Worm
9.  Bird Of Paradise
10.  Boplicity
11.  Budo
12.  Casbah
13.  Chasin' The Bird
14.  Cheryl
15.  Conception
16.  Crazeologydarn The Dream
17.  Donna Lee
18.  Don'T Blame Me
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Embraceable You
2.  Focus
3.  For Europeans Only
4.  God Child
5.  Good Bait
6.  Goodnight My Love
7.  Half Nelson
8.  Hot House
9.  How Deep Is The Ocean
10.  Jeru
11.  It Might As Well Be Spring
12.  Ladybird
13.  Mean To Me
14.  Merry-Go Round
15.  Milano
16.  Milestones
17.  Moon Dreams
18.  Move
19.  My Old Flame
3. CD tartalma:
1.  A Night In Tunisia
2.  Now's The Time
3.  Ornithology
4.  Out Of Nowhere
5.  Overtime
6.  Ray's Idea
7.  Rifftide
8.  Rouge
9.  Rocker
10.  S'Il Vous Plait
11.  Sippin' At Bells
12.  The Way You Look Tonight
13.  Thriving On A Riff
14.  Steeple Chase
15.  Venus De Milo
16.  Nice Work If You Can Get It
17.  Victory Ball
18.  Yahoo
19.  Yardbird Suite
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