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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Everything Is Wrong - DJ MIx Album (2CD) CD

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Everything Is Wrong - DJ MIx Album (2CD)
első megjelenés éve: 1996

2 x CD
3.324 Ft 


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Hard Techno · Joyous Anthems · Quiet Ambience
1-1 First Cool Hive (Minimal Version) 1:24
1-2 Feeling So Real (Unashamed Ecstatic Piano Mix)
Vocals – Kochie Banton, Myim Rose, Nicola Zaray
1-3 All That I Need Is To Be Loved (Hard Trance Version) 5:15
1-4 Bring Back My Happiness (Extended Mix) 2:50
1-5 Move (Disco Threat Mix) 4:34
1-6 Everytime You Touch Me (Pure Joy Mix) 4:00
1-7 Feeling So Real (Westbam Mix) 5:50
1-8 Into The Blue (Uplifting 4 Beat Mix) 4:49
1-9 Everytime You Touch Me (NYC Jungle Mix) 3:45
1-10 Into The Blue (Spiritual Mix) 8:45
1-11 Anthem (Cinematic Version) 2:24
1-12 Everything Is Wrong (Quiet Mix) 5:04

New York Hard House · Groovy Acid · Melodic Trance
2-1 Let's Go Free (Reversal Mix) 0:34
2-2 Hymn (I Believe) 5:59
2-3 Into The Blue (Voodoo Child Mix) 3:57
2-4 Everytime You Touch Me (Freestyle Version) 3:38
2-5 Bring Back My Happiness (Josh Wink Mix) 1:55
2-6 Hymn (Lucky Orgasm Mix) 5:10
2-7 Everytime You Touch Me (Na Feel Mix) 4:23
2-8 Feeling So Real (Old Skool Mix)
Vocals – Kochie Banton, Myim Rose, Nicola Zaray
2-9 Hymn (Menacing Mix) 4:12
2-10 Bring Back My Happiness (Para Los Discos) 3:36
2-11 Into The Blue (Simple Mix) 5:49
2-12 Move (Electro Mix) 6:36
2-13 All That I Need Is To Be Loved (Melodic Mix) 7:06
2-14 When It's Cold I'd Like To Die (Instrumental) 9:05

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