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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Post Momentary Affliction (Bonus Tracks) CD

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Post Momentary Affliction (Bonus Tracks)
első megjelenés éve: 1993
(2008)   [ DIGIPACK + BONUS ]

4.901 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Allusions from the Valley of Darkness
2.  From the Valley of Shadows
3.  Human Condition
4.  Distarnish Priest
5.  Black Lion of the Mind
6.  Grind Planetarium
7.  Pride Sanitarium (Reprise)
8.  Overseer
9.  This Momentary Affliction
10.  Flight of Victory
11.  Impulsation
12.  Liquid Assets
13.  Vital Fluids
14.  The Sea of Forgetfullness
15.  Butchered Mutilation
Bonus track, Studio
16.  Grind Planetarium
Bonus track, Live
17.  Distarnish Priest
Bonus track, Live
18.  From the Valley of Shadows
Bonus track, Live
Steve Rowe - Bass, Vocals
Michael Carlisle - Guitar
Jayson Sherlock - Drums

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