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Ronald Muldrow feat. Mulgrew Miller, Peter Washington, Yoron Israel
első megjelenés éve: 1995

3.557 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Diaspora
2.  Twai-Like
3.  Stella by Starlight
4.  I Want to Talk About You
5.  A Minor Mention
6.  Senzeni
7.  Harris Me
8.  If I Knew
9.  Hittin' the Jug
10.  Ambidextrous
11.  A Child Is Born

Ronald Muldrow - Guitar
Mulgrew Miller - Piano
Peter Washington - Bass
Yoron Israel - Drums

Ronald Muldrow

Active Decades: '90s and '00s
Genre: Jazz
Styles: Soul-Jazz, Hard Bop

An excellent guitarist inspired by his own sound, Ronald Muldrow has long been a fixture at Los Angeles' Fifth St. Dick's club. Muldrow's first main professional job was backing the Staples Singers during a tour of Africa. The guitarist was part of Eddie Harris' band during 1974-79, had a short stint with Ronnie Laws, formed a trio in 1980 and then spent a period living in New York freelancing including a Japanese tour with Terumasa Hino. Muldrow returned permanently to Los Angeles, continued working with Eddie Harris and, while touring Europe with Maceo Parker in 1992, he had the opportunity to record his debut as a leader, Growing You for the Bellaphon label. Muldrow has since led dates for Enja and Kokopelli and continued to grow as an improviser.
---Scott Yanow, All Music Guide

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