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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Any Dream Will Do - The Best of Tim Rice CD

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Any Dream Will Do - The Best of Tim Rice
Barbara Dickson, Celine Dion, David Daltrey & The Mixed Bag, David Essex, Elaine Paige, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Ian Gillan, Jason Donovan, Julie Covington, Montserrat Caballé, Murray Head, Paul Nicholas, Peabo Bryson, Peter Kingsbery, Phillip Schofield, Regina Belle, Rita Coolidge, Yvonne Elliman
első megjelenés éve: 1994

Kosaramba teszem
1.  The Golden Boy
Freddie Mercury & Montserrat Caballé
2.  Oh What A Circus
David Essex
3.  I Know Him So Well
Elaine Paige & Barbara Dickson
4.  Don't Cry For Me Argentina
Julie Covington
5.  Everything's Alright
Yvonne Elliman with Ian Gillan
5.  Yvonne Elliman &
6.  Ziggy
Celine Dion
7.  All Time High
Rita Coolidge
8.  One Night In Bangkok
Murray Head
9.  Another Suitcase In Another Hall
Barbara Dickson
10.  Any Dream Will Do
Jason Donovan
11.  The Second Time
Elaine Paige
12.  The Least Of My Troubles
Paul Nicholas
13.  Close Every Door
Phillip Schofield
14.  Song Of The King - Featuring Tim Rice
David Daltrey & The Mixed Bag
15.  A Winter's Tale
David Essex
16.  The Legal Boys
Elton John
17.  Only The Very Best
Peter Kingsbery
18.  Superstar
Murray Head
19.  A Whole New World (Aladdin's Theme)
Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle

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