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In League with Satan (2CD)
első megjelenés éve: 2002

2 x CD
7.545 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Intro Tape 83/84
2.  In League With Satan
3.  Live Like an Angel, Die Like a Devil
4.  Welcome to Hell
5.  Poison
6.  Witching Hour
7.  One Thousand Days in Sodom
8.  Angel Dust
9.  Bloodlust
10.  In Nomine Satanas
11.  Venom Radio I.D. One
12.  Black Metal
13.  To Hell and Back
14.  Buried Alive
15.  Teachers Pet
16.  Heavens on Fire
17.  Countess Bathory
18.  Die Hard
19.  Acid Queen
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Intro Tape 85/86
2.  Warhead
3.  Lady Lust
4.  The Seven Gates of Hell
5.  At War With Satan TV Ad
6.  Rip Ride
7.  Genocide
8.  Stand up and Be Counted
9.  At War With Satan TV Ad 2
10.  Aaaaarghhh
11.  Manitou
12.  Woman
13.  Dead of Night
14.  Nightmare
15.  Satanarchist
16.  F.O.A.D.
17.  Moonshine
18.  Radio I.D. Two
19.  Wing and a Prayer
20.  Possessed
21.  Powerdrive
22.  Burn This Place to the Ground

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