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Vissza a kereséshez
Ahmad Jamal
első megjelenés éve: 1987
45 perc

3.505 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Quest for Light
2.  Arabesque
3.  Avo
4.  Piano Solo 11
5.  For My Daughter
6.  Perugia
7.  The Last Day
8.  Crystal
9.  Swahililand
10.  The Canteen
Jazz / Cool; Post-Bop

Recorded: 1987, Normandy Sound, Warren, Rhode Island

Typically when an artist reworks his own original works, the results are dissappointing. This couldn't be further from the truth, however, when discussing Ahmad Jamal's 1987 release Crystal. With the help of Willie White on percussion, James Cammack on bass, and David Bowler on drums; this album scored a huge success with audiences reaching #11 on the Jazz Albums chart.

Ahmad Jamal - piano
James Cammack - bass
David Bowler - drums
Willie White - percussion

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