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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Afterglow Live (DVD+CD)[ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Afterglow Live (DVD+CD) [ ÉLŐ ]
Sarah McLachlan
első megjelenés éve: 2004
140 perc
Rock / Singer / Songwriter / Alternative Pop / Rock / Adult Alternative Pop/ Rock
(2004)   [ ENHANCED + CD ]

2 x DVD video
4.270 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1. DVD video tartalma:
1.  Fallen
2.  World On Fire
3.  Adia
4.  Hold On
5.  Perfect Girl
6.  Drifting
7.  Push
8.  I Will Remember You
9.  Ice
10.  Wait
11.  Witness
12.  Answer
13.  Angel
14.  Fear
15.  Train Wreck
16.  Building A Mystery
17.  Sweet Surrender
18.  Possession
19.  Blackbird
20.  Ice Cream
21.  Stupid
22.  Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
23.  Dirty Little Secret
2. DVD video tartalma:
1.  Fallen
2.  World On Fire
3.  Adia
4.  Hold On
5.  Perfect Girl
6.  Push
7.  I Will Remember You
8.  Witness
9.  Answer
10.  Angel
11.  Train Wreck
12.  Building A Mystery
13.  Sweet Surrender
14.  Stupid
15.  Dirty Little Secret
Listening to Sarah McLachlan perform live is a lot like listening to her records. Like 1999's multi-platinum-selling Mirrorball, Afterglow Live relies on the breathy Canadian's fluid and faultless vocals and performances -- by McLachlan and band alike -- that are so spot-on that they may well have been cut in the studio. A backhanded compliment for sure, but isn't it the artist's job to paint a picture from the ground up or disassemble it in new and creative ways so that their minions can marvel at the process as opposed to just the end product? The recording follows the singer through her summer tour, a jaunt that ended up in her hometown of Vancouver -- the 15 tracks are culled from a pair of shows in Toronto. While heavy on material from the 2003 release that gives the record its name, McLachlan classics like "Building a Mystery" and "Sweet Surrender" sound as reliable as ever, but the real meat here is the accompanying 23-track DVD. The behind-the-scenes footage, live performances, and videos, specifically director Sophie Muller's confrontational short for "World on Fire," which features McLachlan performing over displays that compare the costs of video production with those of food and medical supplies, are far more interesting than the snooze of a live CD that makes up this polarizing collection's second half.
---James Christopher Monger, allmusic

Disc 1: live DVD - Srah's Out 2004 Afterglow Tour - 140 min.
* exclusive, never before seen, behind-the-scenes footage
* interviews
* mesmerizing video for "World on Fire"

Disc 2: live CD - 70 min.
hangsávokangol (DD 5.1), angol (DD 2.0)
felirat nyelvek
régiókód   [ PAL ]
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képarány1.33:1 (4:3 / TV)

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