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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Astronaut [DVD+CD][ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Astronaut [DVD+CD] [ ÉLŐ ]
Duran Duran
első megjelenés éve: 2004
45 perc
Pop / Rock
(2004)   [ LIMITED ]

2 x DVD video
Kosaramba teszem
1. DVD video tartalma:
1.  (Reach Up For The) Sunrise
2.  Want You More!
3.  What Happens Tomorrow
4.  Astronaut
5.  Bedroom Toys
6.  Nice
7.  Taste The Summer
8.  Finest Hour
9.  Chains
10.  One Of Those Days
11.  Point Of No Return
12.  Still Breathing
2. DVD video tartalma:
1.  (Reach Up For The) Sunrise
2.  Hungry Like The Wolf
3.  What Happens Tomorrow
4.  New Religion
5.  The Wild Boys
6.  (Reach Up For The) Sunrise
Duran Duran's Astronaut Special limited edition CD deluxe package also features a 24-page color booklet and a bonus 45 minute DVD featuring footage from the band's sold-out run from Wembley earlier this year. Five songs ("(Reach Up For The) Sunrise", "Hungry Like The Wolf", "New Religion", "What Happens Tomorrow" and "The Wild Boys") are featured in their entirety live from Wembley, along with loads of behind the scenes footage and never-before-seen interview footage. Also included on the DVD is the new music video to "(Reach Up For The) Sunrise".

*Behind-the-Scenes Footage

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