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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Kiss the Goat (Bonus Tracks) CD

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Vissza a kereséshez
Kiss the Goat (Bonus Tracks)
Electric Hellfire Club
első megjelenés éve: 1995
(2005)   [ + BONUS ]

3.937 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Invitation to Damnation
2.  Hellfire!
3.  Dakshineswar/In the Temple of Flesh
4.  The Abattoir Eternal
5.  Slaughter of Elysium
6.  Incubus
7.  Evil Genius (The Queen of Sin)
8.  Love Is the Law
9.  Jack the Knife
10.  Bitchcraft
11.  Creepy Crawler
12.  Night of the Buck Knives
Coming Down Fast Mix
13.  Kiss the Goat
14.  Hellfire!
Bonus track, Cykophuk Remix
15.  Root of All Evil (Bring Me the Head of Bob Larsen...)
Bonus track
34.  (Untitled Track)
Bonus track
Gregor Mephisto - Effects, Guitar
Otto Mattix - Engineer, Images, Sounds
Richard Frost - Drums, Percussion, Programming
Sabrina Satana - Dancer, ocals
Thomas Thorn - Illustrations, Lettering, Logo, Programming, Vocals

Shaun Partridge - Spoken Word

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