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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: The Mystery of the Whisper (Deluxe Edition) (2CD) CD

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The Mystery of the Whisper (Deluxe Edition) (2CD)
első megjelenés éve: 1999

2 x CD
4.598 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Isis & Osiris (Life/Death)
2.  Cruelty
3.  Leave Me Alone
4.  Insomnia
5.  Breathe
6.  Regrets
7.  Confusion
8.  Sympathy (For Tomorrow)
9.  Aten-Ra
10.  "Do You Believe..."
11.  Heaven's Gaze
12.  Heart on My Sleeve
13.  "There Are Some Secrets..."
14.  Nothing
15.  Even Angels Fall
16.  Monument
17.  Death/Reunite
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Leave Me Alone
Album Version
2.  Here Comes the Rain Again
3.  Marilyn, My Bitterness
Version 2.0
4.  Leave Me Alone
Ob-1 Freak Mix
5.  The Dying Song (A Footnote...)
6.  Leave Me Alone
Shaft 20/20 Mix

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