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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Annie's Song - A Collection of His Finest Recordings (2CD) CD

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Annie's Song - A Collection of His Finest Recordings (2CD)
John Denver
első megjelenés éve: 2006

2 x CD
Kosaramba teszem
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Annie's Song
2.  A Country Girl in Paris
3.  The Marvellous Toy
4.  To the Wild Country
5.  Eagle and the Hawk
6.  Children of the Universe
7.  Rocky Mountain High
8.  Rocky Mountain Suite
9.  Bread & Roses
10.  Windsong
11.  Chained to the Wheel
12.  American Child
13.  Eagles and Horses (I'm Flying Again)
14.  Amazon (Let This Be a Voice)
15.  All This Joy
16.  A Little Further North
17.  Ancient Rhymes
18.  Sing Australia
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Take Me Home, Country Roads
2.  Sunshine on My Shoulders
3.  The Flower That Shattered the Stone
4.  Higher Ground
5.  The Chosen Ones
6.  Grandma's Feather Bed
7.  For You
8.  High, Wide and Handsome
9.  Homegrown Tomatoes
10.  Hold on to Me
11.  Potter's Wheel Live
12.  Postcards from Paris
13.  Ponies
14.  Never a Doubt
15.  Tenderly Calling
16.  In a Faraway Land
17.  I Watch You Sleeping
18.  I Want to Live

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