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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Rock-A-Billy - Rare & Unissued Recordings CD

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Rock-A-Billy - Rare & Unissued Recordings
Charlie Feathers
első megjelenés éve: 1998

6.321 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Bottle to the Baby
2.  So Ashamed
3.  Honky Tonk Kind
4.  Frankie and Johnny
5.  Defrost Your Heart
6.  Runnin' Around
7.  I've Been Deceived
8.  Corrine, Corrina
9.  Wedding Gown of White
10.  Defrost Your Heart
11.  Bottle to the Baby
12.  I Can't Hardly Stand It
13.  One Hand Loose
14.  Everybody's Loving My Baby
15.  Dinky John
16.  South of Chicago
17.  I'm Walking the Dog [
18.  Today and Tomorrow
19.  Wild, Wild Party
20.  Where's She at Tonight
21.  Don't You Know
22.  Wild Side of Life
23.  Long Time Ago
24.  Tongue-Tied Jill
25.  Folsom Prison Blues
26.  Gone, Gone, Gone

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