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Zen & The Art of Dance and Meditation
Chris Hinze
első megjelenés éve: 2000

5.580 Ft 


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Ambient / Ethno, Meditation, Dance

Chris Hinze

Chris Hinze starts with the intriguing sutra chanting from Zen monasteries in Japan, which form a thread throughout the entire musical story and also serve as a source for his mystical flute improvisations.He combined these special chants with the soundscapes of synthesizers, African tribal singing, Gregorian chants, contemporary jungle and ambient-techno sounds and trance-like rhythms of authentic Japanese drummers. Tom Holkenborg, alias "Junkie XL", provided additional programming of "dance" rhythms and also put together three unique remixes: Remix Tenryu-ji, Remix Eihei-ji and Remix Aoyama. This album has a strong "filmic" feel with dramatic accents. The atmosphere is highly influenced by the contributions of American coloratura soprano Claron McFadden. English blues singer Dave Jeffs also added his special contributions. The Wadaiko Ichiro drummer group, whom Chris Hinze met in Japan, gave him permission to make recordings during their workshops. A radiant album for a wide public of music lovers, in which the meditative content is seen from a totally different side. This explains the subtitle "The Art of Dance and Meditation".

Chris Hinze

Active Decades: '70s, '80s, '90s and '00s
Born: Jun 30, 1938 in Hilversum, The Netherlands
Genre: Jazz, Avantgarde
Styles: Jazz-Funk

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