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Boss Guitar [Fantasy]
Wes Montgomery
első megjelenés éve: 1963
(2010)   [ + BONUS ]

Kosaramba teszem
1.  Besame Mucho
2.  Dearly Beloved
3.  Days Of Wine and Roses
4.  The Trick Bag
5.  Canadian Sunset
6.  Fried Pies
7.  The Breeze And I
8.  For Heaven's Sake
9.  Besame Mucho [Take 2] [Alternate Take][*][Take]
10.  The Trick Bag [Take 6] [Alternate Take][*][Take]
11.  Fried Pies [Take 1] [Alternate Take][*][Take]

Recorded: April 22, 1963, New York Cit

MEL RHYNE - organ
JIMMY COBB - drums

W. Montgomery began his incredible series of recordings for Riverside in the organ trio context that he employed on gigs in his native Indianapolis. After a series of acclaimed albums featuring pianists, Montgomery ended his Riverside run by reuniting with Hammond B-3 master Melvin Rhyne on several sessions. The first, Boss Guitar, featured Jimmy Cobb on drums, and the Miles Davis veteran (and future Montgomery working partner) inspired the guitarist and organist to their greatest recorded work together. Highlights include a cooking 6/8 version of "Besame Mucho," the funky Montgomery blues "Fried Pies," and Montgomery's dazzling showpiece "The Trick Bag," (each heard in both master and alternate takes).

The best modern jazz classics are revisited in the OJC Remasters series. Each title in the series features 24-bit remastering, original AND new liner notes, fully restored artwork, and bonus tracks (when available).

Limited budget release. Features 2 bonus tracks.
Part of the 'masters of Jazz: The History Series 1949-1969'. 20 Bit Digitally Remastered.

In his skyrocketing but tragically brief career (his first album as a leader came late in '59; he died of a heart attack in '68), Wes Montgomery completely revolutionized jazz guitar. But when first discovered, he was working in the basic guitar-organ-drums "bar band" format, and it remained a setting in which he always felt comfortable and creatively free. His first Riverside sessions (now OJCCD-034-2) and his last (OJCCD-144-2) were in this vein, but the present album - a 1963 date on which he is joined by hometown colleague Mel Rhyne on organ and spurred by a peak performance from drummer Jimmy Cobb - is widely regarded as the most fully effective of its kind.

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