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Goin' Steady with the Blues
Skeets McDonald
első megjelenés éve: 1958

6.048 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1.  Goin' Steady With the Blues
2.  Gone and Left Me Blues
3.  Yard and a Half of the Blues
4.  You're There
5.  Hawaiian Sea Breeze
6.  Tomorrow Never Comes
7.  Blues in My Mind
8.  My Room Is Crowded
9.  I'll Sail My Ship Alone
10.  Lost Highway
11.  I'm Sorry Now
12.  Fort Worth Jail
13.  You Oughta See Grandma Rock
14.  Heart-Breaking Mama
15.  You Better Not Go
16.  Don't Push Me Too Far
17.  I'm Countin'
18.  Mean and Evil Blues
19.  The Tattooed Lady s
20.  Birthday Cake Boogie

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