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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Big Thing (Extended 2CD) CD

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Big Thing (Extended 2CD)
Duran Duran
(2010)   [ LIMITED ]

2 x CD
Kosaramba teszem
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Big Thing
2010 Remaster
2.  I Don't Want Your Love
2010 Remaster
3.  All She Wants Is
2010 Remaster
4.  Too Late Marlene
2010 Remaster
5.  Drug
It's Just A State Of Mind 2010 Remaster
6.  Do You Believe In Shame?
2010 Remaster
7.  Palomino
2010 Remaster
8.  Interlude One
2010 Remaster
9.  Land
2010 Remaster
10.  Flute Interlude
2010 Remaster
11.  The Edge Of America
2010 Remaster
12.  Lake Shore Driving
2010 Remaster
2. CD tartalma:
1.  I Don't Want Your Love
Shep Pettibone 7'' Mix 2010 Digital Remaster
2.  All She Wants Is
45 Mix 2010 Digital Remaster
3.  I Believe / All I Need To Know
Full Version 2010 Digital Remaster
4.  The Krush Brothers LSD Edit
2010 Digital Remaster
5.  Palomino
Edit 2010 Digital Remaster
6.  God
London 2010 Digital Remaster
7.  This Is How A Road Gets Made
2010 Digital Remaster
8.  Big Thing
7" Mix 2010 Digital Remaster
9.  I Don't Want Your Love
Big Mix 2010 Digital Remaster
10.  All She Wants Is
US Master Mix 2010 Digital Remaster
11.  Drug
It's Just A State Of Mind Remix 2010 Digital Remaster
12.  Big Thing
12" Mix 2010 Digital Remaster
13.  All She Wants Is
Eurohouse Mix 2010 Digital Remaster

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