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Főoldal Kosár Levél +36-30-944-0678

CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Original Album Series (5CD) CD

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Original Album Series (5CD)
Black Oak Arkansas

5 x CD
4.742 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Uncle Elijah
2.  Memories at the Window
3.  The Hills of Arkansas
4.  I Could Love You
5.  Hot and Nasty
6.  Singing the Blues
7.  Lord Have Mercy on My Soul
8.  When Electricity Came to Arkansas
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Keep the Faith
2.  Revolutionary All American Bands
3.  Feet on Earth, Head in Sky
4.  Fever in My Mind
5.  The Big One's Still Coming
6.  White Headed Woman
7.  We Live on Day to Day
8.  Short Life Line
9.  Don't Confuse What You Don't Know
3. CD tartalma:
1.  Gravel Roads
2.  Fertile Woman
3.  Spring Vacation
4.  Full Help Each Other
5.  Our Moon Ride
6.  To Mind's Eye
7.  Our Make Us What We Are
8.  To Eyes Are on You
9.  Mutants Our of the Monster
4. CD tartalma:
1.  Swimmin' in Quicksand
2.  Back to the Land
3.  Movin'
4.  Happy Hooker
5.  Red Hot Lovin'
6.  Jim Dandy
7.  Moonshine Sonata
8.  Why Shouldn't I Smile
9.  High 'n' Dry
10.  Mad Man
5. CD tartalma:
1.  Dancing in the Streets
2.  Sting Me
3.  Good Good Woman
4.  Jail Bait
5.  Sure Been Workin' Hard
6.  Son of a Gun
7.  Brink of Creation 1
8.  I'm a Man
9.  Goin' Home
10.  Dixie
11.  Everybody Wants to See Heaven, Nobody Wants to Die
12.  Hey Y'all
13.  Brink of Creation 2
CD1: Black Oak Arkansas (album, 1971)
CD2: Keep the Faith (album, 1972)
CD3: If An Angel Came To See You Would You Make Her Feel At Home? (album, 1972)
CD4: High on the Hog (album, 1973)
CD5: Street Party (album, 1974)

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