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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Heaven And Earth *BAKELIT*

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Heaven And Earth
John Martyn
első megjelenés éve: 2011

Kosaramba teszem
1.  Heel Of The Hunt
2.  Stand Amazed
3.  Heaven And Earth
4.  Bad Company
5.  Could've Told You Before I Met You
6.  Gambler
7.  Can't Turn Back The Years - with Phil Collins
8.  Colour
9.  Willing To Work
Recorded at Woolengrange Thomastown, Ireland, Doon The Cellar Birkenhead, England,
Parr Street Studios Liverpool, England, Butcher Boy Chicago, USA, Washoose
A1 Heel Of The Hunt
A2 Stand Amazed
A3 Heaven And Earth
A4 Bad Company
B1 Could've Told You Before I Met You
B2 Gambler
B3 Can't Turn Back The Years
B4 Colour
B5 Willing To Work

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