Heaven And Earth |
John Martyn |
első megjelenés éve: 2011 |
Kérjen árajánlatot! |
1. | Heel Of The Hunt
2. | Stand Amazed
3. | Heaven And Earth
4. | Bad Company
5. | Could've Told You Before I Met You
6. | Gambler
7. | Can't Turn Back The Years - with Phil Collins
8. | Colour
9. | Willing To Work
Recorded at Woolengrange Thomastown, Ireland, Doon The Cellar Birkenhead, England, Parr Street Studios Liverpool, England, Butcher Boy Chicago, USA, Washoose Scotland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A1 Heel Of The Hunt A2 Stand Amazed A3 Heaven And Earth A4 Bad Company B1 Could've Told You Before I Met You B2 Gambler B3 Can't Turn Back The Years B4 Colour B5 Willing To Work |
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