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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Countdown to Extinction - Live[ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Countdown to Extinction - Live [ ÉLŐ ]
első megjelenés éve: 2013
Heavy Metal / Thrash Metal

DVD video
Kosaramba teszem
1.  Intro/Prince of Darkness
2.  Trust
3.  Hangar 18
4.  Public Enemy
5.  Skin O My Teeth
6.  Symphony of Destruction
7.  Architecture of Aggression
8.  Foreclosure of a Dream
9.  Sweating Bullets
10.  This Was My Life
11.  Countdown to Extinction
12.  High Speed
13.  Psychotron
14.  Capture Honour
15.  Ashes in Your Mouth
16.  She Wolf
17.  Peace Selts
18.  Holy Wars
19.  Credits: Silent Scorn/Dawn
In November and December of 2012, Megadeth blazed hot on the band s Countdown to Extinction 20th Anniversary Tour, ripping through their entire double platinum 1992 album from start to finish before performing other classics from their recorded catalog. Recorded at Los Angeles' Fox Theatre last December, Countdown to Extinction: Live is a definitive document of the acclaimed, sold-out tour.
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