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Vissza a kereséshez
Northern Soul
Billy Butler, Don Thomas, Don Varner, Duke Browner, Eddie Parker, Edwin Starr, Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, Freddy Chavez, Gwen Owens, James Fountain, Johnny Watson, Larry Williams, Lou Pride, Marvin Gaye, Rita & The Tiaras, Sam Dees, Shirley Ellis, The Crow, The Luther Ingram Orchestra, The MVP's (The Most Valuable Players), The Originals, The Precisions, The Salvadores, The Tomangoes, The Vel-Vets, Tobi Legend, Towanda Barnes
első megjelenés éve: 2014

Kosaramba teszem
1.  Right Track
Billy Butler
2.  Back Street
Edwin Starr
3.  Soul Time
Shirley Ellis
4.  I Gotta Find Me Somebody
The Vel-Vets
5.  If This Is Love (I'd Rather Be Lonely)
The Precisions
6.  Seven Day Lover
James Fountain
7.  You Don't Mean It
Towanda Barnes
8.  The Night
Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
9.  I'm Com'un Home In The Morn'un
Lou Pride
10.  (Just Say) You're Wanted And Needed
Gwen Owens
11.  They'll Never Know Why
Freddy Chavez
12.  Tear Stained Face
Don Varner
13.  Crying Over You
Duke Browner
14.  Exus Trek
The Luther Ingram Orchestra
15.  Too Late
Larry Williams & Johnny Watson
16.  Your Autumn Of Tomorrow
The Crow
17.  I'm Gone
Eddie Parker
18.  I Really Love You
The Tomangoes
19.  This Love Starved Heart Of Mine (It's Killing Me)
Marvin Gaye
20.  Stick By Me Baby
The Salvadores
21.  Time
Edwin Starr
22.  Come On Train
Don Thomas
23.  Lonely For You Baby
Sam Dees
24.  Gone With The Wind Is My Love
Rita & The Tiaras
25.  Suspicion
The Originals
26.  Turning My Heartbeat Up
The MVP's (The Most Valuable Players)
27.  Time Will Pass You By
Tobi Legend

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