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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Action Time Vision (A Story of Independent UK Punk 1976-1979) (4CD) CD

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Action Time Vision (A Story of Independent UK Punk 1976-1979) (4CD)
'Fatal' Microbes, 999, Acme Sewage Co., Adam & The Ants, Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias, Angelic Upstarts, ATV (Alternative TV), Bazoomis, Big G, Chelsea, Cockney Rejects, Demon Preacher, Disco Zombies, Eater, English Subtitles, F-X, Fire Exit, Front, Fruit Eating Bears, Hollywood Brats, Horrorcomic, Jerks, Johnny & The Self Abusers, Johnny Moped, Joy Division, Leyton Buzzards, Lockjaw, Maniacs, Mean Street, Menace, Murder The Disturbed, Neon Hearts, Nicky & The Dots, No Way, Notsensibles, O Level, Patrik Fitzgerald, Peter And The Test Tube Babies, Poison Girls, Protex, Psykik Volts, Puncture, Pure Hell, Radiators From Space, Raped, Riff Raff, Rudi, Satan's Rats, Sham 69, Silent Noise, Social Security, Some Chicken, Spizzoil, Steroid Kiddies, Stiff Little Fingers, Subs, Suspects, Swell Maps, The Adicts, The Art Attacks, The Bears (punk), The Boys, The Carpettes, The Cortinas, The Cravats, The Damned, The Dark, The Dodgems, The Dole, The Drones, The Dyaks, The Fall, The Flys, The Killjoys, The Licks, The Lurkers, The Members, The Molesters, The Newtown Neurotics, The Nips 'n' Nipple Erectors, The Only Ones, The Outcasts, The Outsiders, The Pack, The Panik, The Pigs, The Prefects, The Proles, The Rezillos, The Rivals, The Ruts, The Shapes, The Skids, The Snivelling Shits, The Stoat, The Tights, The Unwanted, The Users, The Vacants, The Vice Creems, The Wall, The Wasps, The X-Certs, The Zeros, Tubeway Army, U.K. Subs, V2, Vice Squad, Victim, Woody & The Splinters, Xtraverts
első megjelenés éve: 2016

4 x CD
16.689 Ft 


Átmeneti készlethiány
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1. CD tartalma:
1.  New Rose
The Damned
2.  Outside View
3.  Television Screen
Radiators From Space
4.  Fascist Dictator
The Cortinas
5.  Lookalikes
The Drones
6.  Shadow
The Lurkers
7.  I Can't Stand My Baby
The Rezillos
8.  I'm Alive
9.  No One
Johnny Moped
10.  I Don't Wanna
Sham 69
11.  Mucky Pup
12.  Terminal Stupid
The Snivelling Shits
13.  Worthless Trash
The Vacants
14.  Hungry
The Zeros
15.  Chelsea 77
16.  One To Infinity
The Outsiders
17.  Johnny Won't Get To Heaven
The Killjoys
18.  Saints And Sinners
Johnny & The Self Abusers
19.  Withdrawal
The Unwanted
20.  Teenage Treats
The Wasps
21.  Youthanasia
The Pigs
22.  Radio Call Sign
23.  Venus Eccentric
Neon Hearts
24.  Get Your Woofing Dog Off Me
25.  Modern Politics
The Panik
26.  New Religion
Some Chicken
27.  Radio Wunderbar
The Carpettes
28.  Love And A Molotov Cocktail
The Flys
29.  Gobbing On Life
Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias
30.  Lovers Of Today
The Only Ones
31.  Nothing To Declare (Live At The Vortex)
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Read About Seymour
Swell Maps
2.  Safety Pin Stuck In My Heart
Patrik Fitzgerald
3.  No Leaders (Demo)
The Boys
4.  Office Girl
The Stoat
5.  I Don't Need You
Acme Sewage Co.
6.  Speed Freak
7.  Give It All To Me
8.  Moving Target
9.  I Hate The Whole Human Race
Big G
10.  Gimme Your Heart
11.  That's Too Bad
Tubeway Army
12.  Blank Generation
13.  Door In My Face
Fruit Eating Bears
14.  System
15.  You Make Me Sick
Satan's Rats
16.  Suspect Device
Stiff Little Fingers
17.  G.L.C.
18.  Gutter Kids
The Dyaks
19.  Reasons
The Skids
20.  Big Time
21.  I Am A Dalek
The Art Attacks
22.  On Me
The Bears (punk)
23.  Pseudo Punk
O Level
24.  Solitary Confinement
The Members
25.  King Of The Bop
The Nips 'n' Nipple Erectors
26.  The Murder Of Liddle Towers
Angelic Upstarts
27.  Bunch Of Stiffs (Live At The Vortex)
Mean Street
3. CD tartalma:
1.  Action Time Vision
ATV (Alternative TV)
2.  I Don't Want My Heart To Rule My Head
Social Security
3.  Bad Hearts
The Tights
4.  Cosmonaut
Riff Raff
5.  New Wave Love
The Dole
6.  Failures
Joy Division
7.  19 And Mad
Leyton Buzzards
8.  Little Miss Perfect
Demon Preacher
9.  Just Another Teenage Rebel
The Outcasts
10.  Psycho Maffia
The Fall
11.  Urban Kids
12.  Don't Ring Me Up
13.  Gordon
The Cravats
14.  England '77
15.  C.I.D.
U.K. Subs
16.  6,000 Crazy
17.  I Don't Care
The Dodgems
18.  Kicks In Style
The Users
19.  Elvis Is Dead
Peter And The Test Tube Babies
20.  In A Rut
The Ruts
21.  Drums Over London
Disco Zombies
22.  Never Been So Stuck
Nicky & The Dots
23.  Wot's For Lunch Mum? (Not B****s Again!)
The Shapes
24.  Breaking Point
No Way
25.  New Way
The Wall
26.  Sick On You
Hollywood Brats
4. CD tartalma:
1.  Zerox
Adam & The Ants
2.  Death To Disco
3.  Danger Love
The Vice Creems
4.  D.N.A.
Murder The Disturbed
5.  Flares 'N' Slippers
Cockney Rejects
6.  Totally Useless
Psykik Volts
7.  The End Of Civilisation
The Molesters
8.  Hypocrite
The Newtown Neurotics
9.  These Boots Are Made For Walking
Pure Hell
10.  Timewall
Fire Exit
11.  King Of Kings
The Pack
12.  Dumb Dumb
Steroid Kiddies
13.  Time Tunnel
English Subtitles
14.  Soft Ground
The Proles
15.  Easy Way Out
The Adicts
16.  My Friends
The Dark
17.  I Must Be Mad
Woody & The Splinters
18.  Why Are Fire Engines Red
19.  Anthem
The X-Certs
20.  Slag
21.  Future Rights
The Rivals
22.  I've Been Hurt (So Many Times Before)
Silent Noise
23.  Nothing
Vice Squad
24.  Things In General
The Prefects
25.  1970's Have Been Made In Hong Kong
The Licks
26.  Violence Grows
'Fatal' Microbes
27.  Under The Doctor
Poison Girls

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