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Mixed up (3CD)
The Cure
első megjelenés éve: 1990
(2018)   [ + BONUS + CD ]

3 x CD
9.273 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1. CD tartalma:
1.  Lullaby
Extended Mix
2.  Close To Me
Closer Mix
3.  Fascination Street
Extended Mix
4.  The Walk
Everything Mix
5.  Lovesong
Extended Mix
6.  A Forest
Tree Mix
7.  Pictures Of You
Extended Dub Mix
8.  Hot Hot Hot!!!
Extended Mix
9.  The Caterpillar
Flicker Mix
10.  Inbetween Days
Shiver Mix
11.  Never Enough
Big Mix
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Let's Go To Bed
Extended Mix 1982
2.  Just One Kiss
Extended Mix 1982
3.  Close To Me
Extended Mix 1985
4.  Boys Don't Cry
New Voice Club Mix
5.  Why Can't I Be You?
Extended Mix 1987
6.  A Japanese Dream
12" Remix 1987
7.  Pictures Of You
Extended Mix 1990
8.  Let's Go To Bed
Milk Mix 1990
9.  Just Like Heaven
Dizzy Mix 1990
10.  Primary
Red Mix 1990
11.  The Lovecats
TC & Benny Mix 1990
3. CD tartalma:
1.  Three Imaginary Boys
Help Me Mix 2018
2.  M
Attack Mix 2018
3.  The Drowning Man
Bright Birds Mix 2018
4.  A Strange Day
Drowning Waves Mix 2018
5.  Just One Kiss
Remember Mix 2018
6.  Shake Dog Shake
New Blood Mix 2018
7.  A Night Like This
Hello Goodbye Mix 2018
8.  Like Cockatoos
Lonely In The Rain Mix 2018
9.  Plainsong
Edge Of The World Mix 2018
10.  Never Enough
Time To Kill Mix 2018
11.  From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
Love In Vain Mix 2018
12.  Want
Time Mix 2018
13.  The Last Day Of Summer
31st August Mix 2018
14.  Cut Here
If Only Mix 2018
15.  Lost
Found Mix 2018
16.  It's Over
Whisper Mix 2018
Disc 1: Mixed Up
Disc 2: Mixed Up Extras 2018 - Remixes 1982-1990
Disc 3: Torn Down: Mixed Up Extras 2018

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