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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Thank You, Friends - Big Star's Third Live... And More (2CD)[ ÉLŐ ] CD

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Thank You, Friends - Big Star's Third Live... And More (2CD) [ ÉLŐ ]
Big Star
első megjelenés éve: 2017

2 x CD
6.033 Ft 


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1. CD tartalma:
1.  Watch the Sunrise - feat. Pat Sansone and Brett Harris
2.  September Gurls - feat. Mike Mills
3.  In the Street - feat. Brett Harris and Mike Mills
4.  Back of a Car - feat. Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow
5.  Thirteen - feat. Skylar Gudasz
6.  Give Me Another Chance - feat. Dan Wilson
7.  When My Baby's Beside Me - feat. Jeff Tweedy
8.  I'm in Love with a Girl - feat. Pat Sansone
9.  Feel - feat. Ken Stringfellow
10.  The Ballad of El Goodo - feat. Dan Wilson
11.  I Am the Cosmos - feat. Chris Stamey
12.  You and Your Sister - feat. Pat Sansone
2. CD tartalma:
1.  Kizza Me - feat. Jeff Tweedy and Django Haskins
2.  O, Dana - feat. Jon Auer
3.  For You - feat. Jody Stephens and Luther Russell
4.  Nightime - feat. Jeff Tweedy
5.  Jesus Christ - feat. Mike Mills
6.  Take Care - feat. Ira Kaplan
7.  Big Black Car - feat. Jessica Pratt and Jon Auer
8.  Blue Moon - feat. Jody Stephens
9.  Stroke It, Noel - feat. Ken Stringfellow
10.  Downs - feat. Robyn Hitchcock
11.  Dream Lover - feat. Skylar Gudasz and Ken Stringfellow
12.  Holocaust - feat. Django Haskins
13.  You Can't Have Me - feat. Skylar Gudasz and Mike Mills
14.  Kanga Roo - feat. Brett Harris
15.  Thank You, Friends (ensemble)

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