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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Omsk (180gr Audiophile coloured vinyl) *BAKELIT*

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Omsk (180gr Audiophile coloured vinyl)
The Nits
első megjelenés éve: 1983

Kosaramba teszem
1. A Touch Of Henry Moore
2. Unpleasant Surprise
3. Vermillion Pencil
4. Springtime Coming Soon
5. Tons Of Ink
6. Jardin D’hiver

1. Nescio
2. Walls Have Ears
3. Spirits Awake
4. Walter And Conny
5. The Cold Eye
6. Shadow Of A Doubt

The first album the Dutch band The Nits recorded together with
keyboard player Robert Jan Stips was a step in a new direction. With
the release of Omsk the band created a piece of Art Rock consisting of
many atmospheric songs. The recording itself is excellent and some out-
standing classics like “Nescio”, “A Touch of Henry Moore”, and “Tons of
Ink” are all part of this wonderful album. Omsk is a an innovative record
in every way, opening the doors to a bright future for the Nits.
Omsk is available as a limited edition of 500 individually numbered
copies on transparent vinyl.

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