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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Hotel - Ambient (2CD) CD

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Hotel - Ambient (2CD)
első megjelenés éve: 2015

2 x CD
3.560 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1-1 Swear 6:40
1-2 Snowball 4:26
1-3 Blue Paper 6:07
1-4 Homeward Angel (Long) 10:57
1-5 Chord Sounds 7:25
1-6 Not Sensitive 3:10
1-7 Lilly 3:54
2-1 May 04 Two 8:11
2-2 The Come Down 5:18
2-3 Overlands 6:49
2-4 Live Forever 7:15
2-5 Aerial 5:48
2-6 Spaired Long 7:51
2-7 Live Forever (Long) 15:39

3 panel gate-fold digipak featuring a separate colour booklet detailing recording, publishing credits and further artwork. A barcode sticker features on the cellophane and the inside panel is hand numbered (4 digits) I.e. 0123. The spine and CDs list the title as 'Hotel : Ambient' while the front and back artwork omit the colon 'Hotel Ambient'. The rear track listing goes from 1 to 14 across the CDs rather than 1 to 7 per disc and both feature CD-Text detailing artist, title, track titles etc.

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