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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Live Cannibalism (14 tracks)[ ÉLŐ ] CD

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Live Cannibalism (14 tracks) [ ÉLŐ ]
Cannibal Corpse
első megjelenés éve: 2000
  [ + BONUS ]

4.742 Ft 


Kosaramba teszem
1 Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead 4:13
2 Blowtorch Slaughter 2:37
3 Stripped, Raped And Strangled 3:38
4 Fucked With A Knife 2:25
5 Unleashing The Bloodthirsty 4:12
6 Dead Human Collection 2:39
7 Gallery Of Suicide 4:15
8 Perverse Suffering 4:20
9 The Spine Splitter 3:25
10 I Will Kill You 2:47
11 Devoured By Vermin 3:38
12 Disposal Of The Body 3:48
Bonus Tracks
13 Sacrifice
Producer – Jim Morris
14 Confessions
Producer – Colin Richardson

Censored version omitting all songs from the first three albums featured on the uncensored version. Includes two studio cover songs instead. Cover is a 6-paged fold out poster (bigger cover on one side and a bandpic collage on the other side).

Recorded live on the Death Metal Massacre 2000 tour on Feb 16 2000 at The Rave in Milwaukee, except tracks 3, 4, 9, 11 recorded at the Emerson Theater on Feb 15 2000 in Indianapolis.

Tracks 13 and 14 are studio tracks and were recorded in 1998 and 1999 respectively.

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