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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Prokofiev: The Stone Flower [Grigorovich] [Arthaus][ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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Prokofiev: The Stone Flower [Grigorovich] [Arthaus] [ ÉLŐ ]
Szergej Prokofjev (1891-1953)
Moszkvai Nagy Színház Balettegyüttese (balettegyüttes), Lyudmilla Semenyaka (tánc), Nikolai Dorokhov (tánc), Nina Semizorova (tánc), Yuri Vetrov (tánc), Yuri Grigorovich (koreográfia), Alexandr Kopilov (karmester), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (zenekar)
első megjelenés éve: 1990
120 perc

DVD video
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1.  The Stone Flower
(A kővirág)

Moszkvai Nagy Színház Balettegyüttese (balettegyüttes), Lyudmilla Semenyaka (tánc), Nikolai Dorokhov (tánc), Nina Semizorova (tánc), Yuri Vetrov (tánc), Yuri Grigorovich (koreográfia), Alexandr Kopilov (karmester), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (zenekar)
Recorded: 1990, Bolshoi Theatre

Nikolai Dorokhov, Lyudmilla Semenyaka, Nina Semizorova, Yuri Vetrov

The Bolshoi Ballet The Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra

First performed at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow in 1954, this ballet draws on the rich heritage of Russian folklore to tell the tale of the young stonemason Danila, who must choose between his village sweetheart Katerina and a magical temptress. It is based on fairy tales from the Urals collected by Pavel Bazhov and set in the middle of the 19th century.

Sergei Prokofiev was suffering under the oppression and constant mischief of Stalin and his henchmen for long and had to conform to the musical demands of the state in order to stage his new ballet. In Stone Flower you can feel Prokofiev's resignation after the hard struggle with the political situation, but nevertheless, he hasn't lost his brilliance and the music of his last ballet still is full of catchy tunes and joyousness.

However, having finished his composition, it lasted four years to receive its premiere in Moscow which wasn't a great success at all. It was only three years later with the choreography of Yuri Grigorovich that Prokofiev's Stone Flower finally come to a glorious resurrection. The young choreographer simplified the story and focussed on nothing but the dance. The ballet became his first major success.

The presented version shows a reproduction of this choreography from 1957 which has become immortal.
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