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Prokofiev: The Stone Flower [VAI] [ ÉLŐ ]
Szergej Prokofjev (1891-1953)
Valery Gorbatsevich (rendező), Moszkvai Nagy Színház Balettegyüttese (balettegyüttes), Ekaterina Maximova (tánc), Svetlana Adirkhaeva (tánc), Vladimir Levashov (tánc), Vladimir Vasiliev (tánc), Yuri Grigorovich (koreográfia), Alexandr Kopilov (karmester), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (zenekar)
első megjelenés éve: 1979
116 perc

DVD video
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1.  The Stone Flower
(A kővirág)

Moszkvai Nagy Színház Balettegyüttese (balettegyüttes), Ekaterina Maximova (tánc), Svetlana Adirkhaeva (tánc), Vladimir Levashov (tánc), Vladimir Vasiliev (tánc), Yuri Grigorovich (koreográfia), Valery Gorbatsevich (rendező), Alexandr Kopilov (karmester), Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (zenekar)
Gala 1979 performance by the Bolshoi of Prokofiev's final ballet, starring Ekaterina Maximova and Vladimir Vasiliev. The strong supporting case includes Svetlana Adirkhaeva as The Mistress of the Copper Mountain and Vladimir Levashov as Severyan. The Bolshoi Theater Orchestra is under the direction of Alexander Kopilov

* Pas de Deux from Anyuta with Maximova and Daukayev

Chapter Selection:
1. Prologue (4:39)
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain: Danila and his work

Act I
2. Scene 1 (6:56)
Danila in search of the flower - Scene and Duet of Katerina and Danila

3. Scene 2 (part I) (11:54)
Round Dance - Katerina bids farewell to her friends - The Girls' Dance - Danila's Dance - The unmarried men's dance - Severyan's Dance - Altercation over the malachite vase

4. Scene 2 (part II) (4:33)
Scene of Katerina and Danila - Danila's Meditation

5. Scene 3 (3:25)
Danila enticed away by the Mistress of the Mountain: Duet of the Mistress and Danila

6. Scene 4 (15:19)
The Mistress shows Danila the treasures of the earth: Scene and Waltz of the Diamonds - Dance of the Russian precious stones - Waltz - Danila's Monologue and the Mistress' Reply - The Mistress shows Danila the stone flower

Act II
7. Scene 1 (8:03)
Scene and Katerina's Dance (Thinking of Danila) - Severyan's Arrival - "Where are you, sweet Danila?"

8. Scene 2 (28:04)
Ural Rhapsody - Russian Dance - Gypsy Dance - Severyan's Dance - Solo of the Gypsy Girl and Coda - Katerina's Appearance and Severyan's Rage - The Appearance of the Mistress and Scene of Severyan transfixed to the earth - Severyan follows the Mistress - Severyan dies

9. Scene 1 (5:43)
Katerina sits by the fire and yearns for Danila - Scene and Dance of Katerina and the skipping of the Fire Spirit - Katerina follows the Fire Spirit

10. Scene 2 (22:17)
Scene of Danila and Duet with the Mistress - Danila tries to escape and is turned to stone - The Fire Spirit leads Katerina to Danila - Dialogue of Katerina and the Mistress - The Joy of the Reunion of Katerina and Danila - The Mistress presents gifts to Katerina and Danila

* Pas de deux from ANYUTA (5:22)
Music by Valery Gavrilin
Choreography by Vladimir Vasiliev
Danced by Ekaterina Maximova & Marat Daukayev

In 1959, Yuri Grigorovich recreated his successful 1957 Kirov staging of The Stone Flower for the Bolshoi Ballet. The new version became the acclaimed centerpiece of the Bolshoi's first U.S. tour in that same year, featuring the stars of the premiere, Vladimir Vasiliev and Ekaterina Maximova as the lovers Danila and Katerina. Set to Prokofiev's last score for the ballet, The Stone Flower is regarded by Russian dancers, choreographers and critics as one of the greatest of Russian ballets. The compelling libretto, set by the composer's wife, derives from the book The Malachite Casket by P. Bazhov who based his stories on miners' tales from the Ural Mountains.

The tale of The Stone Flower is fittingly melodramatic, replete with seduction, near-rape and a monstrous end for the villain who, in a theatrical tour de force, is literally sucked into the earth at the bidding of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. In 1979, Maximova and Vasiliev were reunited for a gala performance at Moscow's Bolshoi Theater. Fortunately, the event was preserved for posterity and is seen here in its first home video release.
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