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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Beethoven: Mass in C; Prisoners' Chorus from Fidelio[ ÉLŐ ] CD

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Beethoven: Mass in C; Prisoners' Chorus from Fidelio [ ÉLŐ ]
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Sally Matthews (szoprán), Sara Mingardo (mezzoszoprán), John Mark Ainsley (tenor), Alastair Miles (basszus), London Symphony Chorus (vegyeskórus), London Symphony Orchestra (zenekar), Sir Colin Davis (karmester)
első megjelenés éve: 2008

4.270 Ft 


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1.  Mass in C major, Op.86
(C-dúr mise)

Sally Matthews (szoprán), Sara Mingardo (mezzoszoprán), John Mark Ainsley (tenor), Alastair Miles (basszus), London Symphony Chorus (vegyeskórus), London Symphony Orchestra (zenekar), Sir Colin Davis (karmester)
A high density DSD recording (5.0), live at the Barbican, February 2007.

Jewel case with 24pp booklet with notes in English, French and German.

This title will not be issued on standard CD.

Many of Sir Colin Davis's finest recordings for LSO Live have focused on choral music and opera. Recent titles have included Handel's Messiah, Mozart's Requiem, Berlioz's Benvenuto Cellini and Tippett's A Child of Our Time. Beethoven's early Mass in C is written on a less grandiose scale than the later Missa Solemnis yet contains some of the composer's most sublime music for voices. Sir Colin is joined by a perfectly balanced group of singers in Sally Matthews, Sara Mingardo, John Mark Ainsley and Alastair Miles. The release also includes the Prisoners' Chorus from Sir Colin's celebrated recording of Beethoven's Fidelio. Sir Colin's forthcoming LSO Live releases include Haydn's Creation and Sibelius's Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4. Other future releases on the label include Strauss Eine Alpensinfonie conducted by Bernard Haitink and further titles in Valery Gergiev's critically acclaimed Mahler cycle. Sir Colin Davis recently collected the Best Male Artist award at the Classical Brits for the second time.

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