von Zemlinsky: A törpe / Ullmann: Az eltört korsó [Conlon] [Arthaus] [ ÉLŐ ] von Zemlinsky: Der Zwerg / Ullmann: Der zerbrochne Krug [Conlon] [Arthaus] |
Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942), Viktor Ullmann (1898-1944) |
Bonaventura Bottone (tenor), James Johnson (basszus), Steven Humes (basszus), Mary Dunleavy (ének), Rodrick Dixon (ének), Susan B. Anthony (ének), Los Angeles-i Opera Énekkara (vegyeskórus), Darko Tresnjak (rendező), James Conlon (karmester), Los Angeles-i Opera Zenekara (zenekar) |
első megjelenés éve: 2010 122 perc |
Opera |
DVD video |
6.393 Ft
1. | Der Zwerg (A törpe)
Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942)
Mary Dunleavy (ének), Rodrick Dixon (ének), Susan B. Anthony (ének), Los Angeles-i Opera Énekkara (vegyeskórus), Darko Tresnjak (rendező), James Conlon (karmester), Los Angeles-i Opera Zenekara (zenekar)
2. | Der zerbrochene Krug, Op.36 (Az eltört korsó)
Viktor Ullmann (1898-1944)
Bonaventura Bottone (tenor), James Johnson (basszus), Steven Humes (basszus), Los Angeles-i Opera Énekkara (vegyeskórus), Darko Tresnjak (rendező), James Conlon (karmester), Los Angeles-i Opera Zenekara (zenekar)
Recorded: 2008, The Los Angeles Opera
Der Zwerg (The Dwarf) Opera in 1 act Libretto: George Klaren [Based: Oscar Wilde: The Birthday of the Infanta] First performance: 28 May 1922, Stadttheater, Cologne, Germany
The Dwarf - Rodrick Dixon Donna Clara, Infanta of Spain - Mary Dunleavy Ghita, her favorite maid - Susan B. Anthony
Der zerbrochene Krug (The Broken Jug) Opera in 1 act Libretto: Viktor Ullmann [Based: Heinrich von Kleist] First performance: May 17, 1996, Dresdner Musikfestspiele, Dresden, Germany
Adam, a village judge - James Johnson Licht, a court clerk - Bonaventura Bottone Walter, a district justice - Steven Humes
World Premiere Recordings on DVD
The fi rst fully-staged productions of the LA Opera House groundbreaking Recovered Voices project, highlighting the works of composers affected by the Holocaust. A double bill of one-act operas: Viktor Ullmann's Der zerbrochene Krug, taken from a comedy by the Romantic German poet Heinrich von Kleist, and Alexander Zemlinsky's Der Zwerg, based on Oscar Wilde's powerful tragedy The Birthday of the Infanta. The music of Alexander Zemlinsky and Viktor Ullmann remained buried for decades in the wake of the destruction wrought by the policies of the Nazi regime. Dozens of composers and thousands of compositions are still largely unknown to musicians and lovers of classical music and opera.
"Full recognition of their works and genius still awaits Alexander Zemlinsky and Viktor Ullmann, more than sixty-five years after their deaths. Their works, in their very different ways, are powerful, vibrant, life-affi rming and tragic in turn. They pulsate with the complexity of the human condition. Their lives and personal histories were tragic, but their music transcends it all. It is for us to appreciate their story in its full historic and artistic context." ---James Conlon
"Ullmann's opera can be read on literal, sexual, and political levels, and is all the more fascinating for it. The production, directed by Darko Tresnjak, is perfectly charming. Peggy Hickey's choreography for the overture is particularly brilliant." --- The Opera Tattler |
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